zoo 的play,要求听完后马上写感想,那是一个以人性为主题的play
Country Life》,用打字机打印好了,找机会送给几位外籍老师看,听取他们的意见。当时国家刚刚对外开放不久,外面的人不大了解中国的农村生活,所以,他们读后都觉得很有趣,鼓励我应当多写一点。
Country Life》拿得出手了,于是就连同我的毕业论文一起寄去。随后,就接到录取通知书。
Country Life》印象深刻,读完后,说我就要这个学生了。后来,他果然成了我研究生毕业论文的指导老师。我的这篇文章,曾经发给同班读书的其他老美同学看,让他们给我提问,讨论中国方面的问题。
Country Life》给美国一家杂志社,但没有被采用。我自知文章写得不是很好,下的功夫也不多,毕竟英文不是我的第一语言,还有,中国的问题实在是太多太复杂,三言两语是讲不清楚的。很多问题,现在连国人都不想谈不敢谈了,更何况对中国一窍不通的人来说,难上加难呀。
FOREIGN JOURNALISM课,他本来就是记者出身,很自然地就引导我们客观地看待世界,他的课相当有吸引力。别看他有狗熊那样的个头,他说他很怕看别人直视的眼光,因为直视的眼光比刀子还厉害。他说他本不抽烟,但是为了掩盖讲课时紧张的内心,就点上一支烟。看他那么可爱,我们四班的同学就在他的名字葛朗后面加了个台字(巴尔扎克笔下人物)。有一次他走进我们课室,不知道谁喊了一声葛朗台先生好!,大家哄然大笑,他像小姑娘那样脸红了半天,不知所然。同样是记者,他就没有那种咄咄逼人的气势,与我们所熟悉的丹拉瑟和华莱士有天壤之别。
face-to-face free talk
there is no difference
between journalism and business, but it turned out that
is all my life!
paper back
Here is a report from Canadian media:
GLEN ALLEN, 65 Reporter a witness to 1973 coup in Chile
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Montreal -- Glen Allen, a celebrated journalist described by colleagues as a skilled writer sensitive to his fellow human beings, died last week in Toronto. He was 65.
The son of war correspondent and former Maclean's magazine editor Ralph Allen, Glen Allen had a varied career in news, starting as a reporter in the 1960s. He worked at the Toronto Star and for papers in Victoria and Nelson, B.C.
He later garnered national media attention for his dispatches from Chile, where he spent two years as a freelance writer. He saw first-hand the military coup that installed the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet.
Mr. Allen then went to Montreal, where he spent about 10 years at The Gazette, a stint interrupted by a two-year teaching post in China. He also had a sharp eye for human-interest stories. "He got to the true side of people," said Leon Harris, a Gazette copy editor. "He was probably the best writer on staff."
In 1982, Mr. Allen was presented a Media Human Rights Award for a feature story on racism in five provinces. The following year, he won a National Newspaper Award for a story about the unsuccessful efforts by social service agencies, doctors, family and associates to help a 19-year-old Montreal youth who eventually committed suicide.
All the while, Mr. Allen was struggling with his own problems. He moved to Kingston, Ont., to work at the Kingston Whig-Standard, followed by a stint at Maclean's as a senior writer and then went to the Saint John Telegraph-Journal in New Brunswick.
Mr. Allen was found frozen to death beside railway tracks in Toronto on Dec. 20, a day after he was reported missing from Toronto East General Hospital. He was being treated for depression and had taken an overdose of medication, said his brother Gene Allen, a journalism instructor at Ryerson.
He is survived by two daughters and a son.
Veteran reporter mourned
Dec. 22, 2005. 01:00 AM
He was an old-school newspaper man who never got the hang of the tape recorder not when his hands moved fast as light, filling up notebook after notebook. But as hard as he went after hard news, there was always a touch of elegance in the words he wrote.
Journalists are mourning and sharing memories of Glen Allen, who died this week after a career that spanned decades and won him newspaper awards for his treatment of issues like human rights and suicide.
Allen, 65, was reported missing Monday from Toronto East General Hospital where he was being treated for depression, which he struggled with for decades. His body was discovered the next morning near some train tracks by Leslie St. and Lake Shore Blvd.
He was "a reporter of all trades," said longtime friend Carl Mollins, former executive editor at Maclean's magazine. "He could do ... politics in Ottawa, (or) travelling around, just finding things that made a story of interest to other people, and then explaining it very well."
Mollins recalled a Maclean's series where Allen travelled across Canada in search of details to bring the inhabitants of different regions to life for his readers. In one town, "he got acquainted with a woman mail carrier, and he just followed her around. She talked to him about the town and the people and what they did," Mollins said.
"He had this incredible sympathy and compassion for the underdog," said Allen's brother, Gene.
Mollins said he and Allen met for coffee regularly, but the last time they were scheduled to meet, Allen didn't show. Allen said he was struggling with depression.
Allen, a reporter who always found the right words, was devastated that he was losing his vocabulary after a stroke.
"He had told me in some of our meetings that he was having trouble thinking of words," Mollins said. "I used to tell him I'm an old person, it happens to me all the time. But his was different and you could tell from the email that he was having trouble with language."
Allen worked for the Toronto Star in the late '60s before travelling to Chile. He spent a decade working sporadically for the Montreal Gazette and taught for two years in China. Allen worked at the Kingston Whig Standard and the St. John Telegraph Journal then moved back to Toronto where he taught ESL classes until his death, Mollins said.
He had three children.