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     Reunion 2010
Itinerary & Ship


       Reunion 2010

GW77 Reunion 2010:Alaska Cruise Video

We greatly appreciate Tang He for his effort of talent and time to produce the following video clips to present the memorable moments of our joy and nature wonder.

If first 11 videos will not work, please click the last 11 videos:

From Youtube: 1 of 11

From Youtube: 2 of  11

From Youtube: 3 of  11 (Vancouver Special)

From Youtube: 4 of  11(On-Board Special)

From Youtube: 5 of  11 (First city of Alaska: Ketchikan)

From Youtube: 6 of  11 (Crab Fishman's Tour )

From Youtube: 7 of  11 (阿拉斯加州的首府朱诺、满登河冰川、和罗伯兹山)

From Youtube: 8 of  11 (Small Town: Skagway; Yukon)

From Youtube: 9 of  11 (Glacier Bay)

From Youtube: 10 of  11 (College Fjord)

From Youtube: 11 of  11 (Seward Hwy, Farewell)

The following videos are the same as the last 11 and are for those who couldn't access Youtube.
From 56.com: 1 of  11

From 56.com: 2 of  11

From56.com  3 of  11( Vancouver Special)

From56.com  4 of  11( On-Board Special)

From56.com  5 of  11( 旅游小镇凯奇坎)

From56.com  6 of  11(出海观渔民捕蟹)

From56.com  7 of  11( 首府朱诺)

From56.com 8 of  11( 小镇斯卡圭)

From56.com 9 of  11(冰川湾国家公园)

From56.com 10 of  11(学院峡湾)

From56.com 11 of  11(Seward Hwy, Farewell)

Email Us: admin@gw77.com